A Carer Statement (sometimes referred to as an Impact Statement) is a written letter by someone who cares for or is involved in the treatment of an individual living with a disability.
It details in depth how their disability is impacting their life and the lives of those around them.
It is used by the NDIA to demonstrate the everyday difficulties experienced by the individual and their family and to verify how much care and support an individual may need. This allows the NDIA to have an overview of what supports are needed.
A Carer/Impact Statement is not compulsory but most certainly can affect the level of funding received as it will provide a more accurate picture.
The NDIA won’t always ask for supporting letters/statements but these can help strengthen your application because it provides a clear picture of the supports that are needed.
It is important to remember you are not complaining or asking for too much – you are simply letting them know what you and your loved ones' daily life is like.
An impact statement can also be provided by any person, family member or provider that supports and cares for a person with a disability. Their input may be beneficial in communicating to the NDIS the level of support needed.
Either way, it should include information about the person you care for:
Another way to formulate a statement is to address each of the main 8 categories within the NDIS and then explain:
These 8 categories are:
Describe your worst day so that you communicate the maximum amount of support provided.
Carers Australia has created a Carer Checklist which is useful in helping you prepare for an NDIS planning meeting and can be provided to the planner.
This checklist is for people who provide unpaid care and support to a family member or friend with a disability who is a participant in the NDIS or who is eligible to be a participant.
It can help you think about the type of care and support you currently provide for the person you care for and may help you consider all aspects of the person with disability’s needs.
Sources: Reimagine, Carers Australia, Mental Health Carers
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